Project Benefits

Creating economic opportunities and jobs in Ford County and Illinois. Generating electricity for the grid and energy security for the


Our solutions

Energy Security

The integration of additional renewable energy into the country’s electric grid improves the country’s energy security. It does this by diversifying the energy resources we rely upon for electricity, mitigating the risk of energy shortages, and enhancing the dependability of the electrical grid.

Affordable, Domestic Energy

Solar energy is the most abundant and cleanest energy source on earth. Due to improved technologies, economies of scale, and increased market demand, solar energy costs have declined steadily over the years. As a result, solar energy is now one of the cheapest forms of energy and can help reduce consumer electricity prices over the long term. 

Tax Revenue

Gibson City Energy Center – Solar 2 is estimated to generate $23 – $26 million in incremental local property taxes during the life of the project, estimated to be over 35 years. The stable, long-term funding will benefit the education system, and community and emergency services.

Revenue for Landowners

Local landowners who lease land for the project will receive long-term payments with fixed increases, providing a significant amount of new revenue to the local economy and allowing them to diversify their income sources.


Earthrise Energy aims to hire as many workers as possible from the local area where we build projects, creating hundreds of well-paying construction jobs. Local businesses will also have opportunities to supply materials to support the project’s construction. In particular, service industry businesses will benefit from increased activity in the region during project development.

Preserves Land

The solar project provides for low-impact land use, preserves agricultural and soil health for future generations of farmers, and allows the soil time to rest. The project will be decommissioned and removed at the end of its useful life, allowing agricultural activities to continue on-site.

Thank you for your interest in supporting Gibson City Energy Center – Solar 2!

This project represents a major investment in Ford County’s future. Once operational, it will generate millions of dollars in additional revenue for the local community.

Below you’ll find a pre-written digital letter for local officials in support of this project. Feel free to personalize it with additional reasons why you believe Solar 2 is a positive step for Ford County. All letters will be collected by Earthrise Energy and submitted to county officials.

We appreciate your support and look forward to a continued partnership with Ford County.
Thank you!

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